Dr Zanab Malik

Special Needs Dentist

Boomers for the Zoomers

  • Dr Zanab Malik
  • Special Needs Dentist
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Special Needs Dentistry), Diploma of Dementia Care, FRACDS(GDP), MRACDS(SND)

Boomers for the Zoomers

“A man growing old becomes a child again.”
– Sophocles

“Boomers” currently account for 1 in 5 Australians, and nearly 1 in 3 Australians are now aged over 55. By 2042, over 6.5-million Australians will be over 65 years of age, with a million over 85.

For the younger dentist, this means adapting communication styles and treatment plans to effectively meet the unique needs of older adults.

Dr Malik will explore evidence based strategies to elevate your approach to ensure exceptional dental care for the elderly, and delve into the nuanced realm of treating elderly patients with sensitivity and respect through the eyes of a Special Needs Dentist.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the changing context for the oral health of “boomers”
  • Appreciate complexities of treatment planning for the older adult and the concept of rational dental care
  • Explore evidence based strategies for the prevention, diagnosis and management of oral health deterioration among older adults